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The IDGs show the individual changes, or Human growth that are needed to increase our chances of achieving the SDGs collectively.

IDGs covers 23 capabilities divided into 5 categories:

1 - BEING: relationship with ourselves

2 - THINK: cognitive abilities (knowledge)

3 - RELATIONSHIPS: caring for others and the planet

4 - COLLABORATION: social skills

5 - ACTION: driving changes (be an agent of change)


When I see the basic challenges of Men, when we talk about mental change, when we talk about growth that matters, I think that “The” great challenge of humanity is: IT IS DIFFICULT TO LEARN WHEN WE ALREADY KNOW.

We see many leadership failures. Leaders out of touch with reality. In other words, it is a lack of ability to LISTEN. So LISTENING - in my opinion - is not only an important skill. It is the most important and least valued capability for today's leaders.

Obviously being flexible, having the ability to be agile, being able to listen and being able to be fully inclusive in the way we lead people; they are skills that we have learned over time.

We are made to GROW and our destiny is to grow. A caterpillar is not destined to die as a caterpillar, its destiny is to grow wings and fly.

We have to focus more on ourselves and ask: “What is my responsibility in all of this?”, “How can I contribute to a more sustainable development?” But to achieve these sustainability goals, we have to be able to make the right decisions to get there.

I think that where we are at the moment, we have probably reached a limit so that we can solve global problems in a purely technocratic way and with external solutions. Mental health and well-being are supported by our individual capacities for spirituality and faith.

Or education is fundamentally oriented towards meaning and purpose in a changing world, rather than being a mere delivery of content to students.

Being Human has several dimensions. We've been very good at exploring the dimensions of the external world over the past two centuries. But we have reached a point where the external perspective has to be supplemented with an internal perspective.

When teaching a course like Global Challenges at the Stockholm School of Economics, I realized more and more that we cannot achieve sustainability goals if we don't work on our inner development. This does not only apply to Universities. This applies to all sectors and all ages.

What we really need is a society deliberately focused on development. And depending on how severe the situation is thought to be, perhaps we need a world deliberately focused on development. And right now, we're not even talking on a large scale, the inner dimensions, and how we need to change, because deep down, WE are the problem. The way we are acting in the world and the way we are solving problems IS the problem.

I thought that the main environmental problems were the loss of biodiversity, the collapse of ecosystems and climate change. I thought that with 30 years of good science we could address these problems. But I was wrong. The main environmental problems are SELFISHNESS, MISERAGE and APATHY. And to deal with them we need a spiritual and cultural transformation.

Any sustainable development goal is the best and most ambitious vision our generation has for the world. In our experience, when we work with individuals, both inside and outside Oxford, people are more likely to take action when these inspiring visions are brought into their reality.

We now bring IDG to the fore as a major source of inspiration when we reinforce and review our capacity development plans, and ensure that IDG is integrated into these plans.

And as Einstein said, we will never be able to solve our problems with the same level of consciousness that created those problems. So, as a species, we need more and more people to grow and develop so that we have greater buy-in, greater perspective, greater capacity to solve the biggest and most dangerous challenges we face.

Making the world work better requires very specialized skills. Very useful, but quite superficial. What we want to say to people is: “Yes, it's great that you want to help make the world work better, but to do that you have to relearn.”